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integrating your website/blog with facebook

To integrate your blog or any other website with facebook just involves 2 simple steps. Thankx to facebook you. The administrator dosent need to do many things to integrate and everything is handeled by the facebook at their end.
The 2 steps that the admistrator needs to do is
1.       Add the meta tags to the blog/website in the head sectiontion so that when facebook lints your site it can compile the information that your blog/website it is showing
2.       Adding an optional like button to your blog/website so that the visitors that have an facebook account can like the page. All the likes statistics then can are shown on the facebook page and to every administrator.
A website when is added to the facebook has 3 options for showing the administrator
a.       Adding a single or multiple users of facebook as an admisnistator of a page that represents your blog on the facebook
b.      Adding an app an an admistrator
c.       Adding both
1.       Adding meta tag to the blog.
This particular process of integration is handeled by the open graph protocol by the facebook.
Just copy and paste the meta tags given on this page and change the values as per your needs.
After adding the meta tags go to this page
And enter the URL of the site u have added meta tags to
This will present the information to you as the facebook reads it.
2.       Adding a like button is simple.
Add the url of the site where you want this like button to be hosted
Click on get code
You will be presented with a piece of code that is an iframe. Copy and paste this code anywhere in your website source where you want like button to be shown.

DONE. Don’t forget in the end to put updates on your facebook pageJ


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