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Showing posts from 2010

Data manipulation in azure development storage by using web services – workaround

While developing the Azure project this was the biggest problem I came across and being just a newcomer in this area I could not solve it. So I figured a way around that worked perfectly well and then I used it to finally make a working project. Nearly all the solutions I came across in the different portals were about the same problem without the development storage anywhere in question but for the people who first need to make a working solution in the development storage using anything like the VS2010 there was no help nowhere. The problem was that while accessing data which was stored in a blob in cloud storage through a web service by a Silverlight client. It gives an impression to the storage of the cloud that this is being done by cross site scripting (this is what I got from all the different sources I read) and because this was not allowed the cloud project (webrole in my case) was blocking the request and was returning nothing in return. So this solution that I figured out i...

ParameterLess construct

When I was creating my first cloud app that’s used Microsoft Azure for storage and computation purposes I came across a strange problem which wasn’t related to the Azure itself but was more related to the c# and the .net framework. When I was writing the code I made a Class which had no parameter less construct. Objects of this class were then used in the program. Because this class was derived from Ienumerator I could actually user Foreach() on the objects of this class but to my surprise the code shown below was showing error at the highlighted line. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient; using Microsoft.WindowsAzure; namespace WebRole1 { public class mspDataServiceContext : TableServiceContext { public mspDataServiceContext(string baseAddress, StorageCredentials credentials) : base(baseAddress, credentials) { } static int c; public IQueryable<msp> msps { get { retur...

have you forgotten the password to your windows administrator account?

If the answer is yes then go ahead and read the entire post. There are two full proof ways depending upon what your installation contains 1) You have another administrator account that you can log into 2) You don’t have another administrator account that you can log into If you have another administrator account that you can log into things will be a little simple We will make use of the net user command and there will be no need of installing any third party software in this case. You just need to follow the procedure given and in less than 2 minutes you will be able to reset the password. This same trick will work for any windows installation let it be XP or Vista or Window 7. 1) Log into the administrator account u can log into 2) In the start menu type cmd 3) Now right click on the cmd.exe and click on Run as administrator option. 4) UAC (user accounts control) build in your operating system will ask for permission so say yes and allow the cmd.exe to run. 5) Now yo...

Protecting Private Data

Mostly to protect important data or sometimes private pics we use encrypting programs like the AXcrypt. Which do not allow viewing individual files in the chunk of files encrypted together. This makes viewing files a tough process especially when the size of the files runs into several GBs. I have seen programs like these taking hours together to decrypt files on a dual core machine like mine. Maybe they are not made to take advantage of both of the processors. Also when all the files are decrypted there is a greater chance for the security to be compromise While I was thinking about this problem. I found out a solution that can be implemented by using only the tools that come with the Window 7 . The tools are 1. Ability to attach virtual hard disk 2. Bitlocker Many of you might have got what I am up to for others let’s see HOW TO PROTECT DATA. The process comprises of making a new .VHD file Attaching it Encrypting it Then adding the data Finally detaching it And you...

Performance Monitor(perfmon.exe) must for window developers

Recently I attended Microsoft Community Tech Days at New Delhi. The last session of the event was taken by Bijoy who is presently working with Microsoft. The session was about .NET tips and tricks. The session was extremely informative and really forced all the developers that were present in that auditorium to actually think about the process we take for measuring the resources and also the process we use for debugging an application. He laid stress on many tools one of which was performance monitor (Perfmon). Perfmon is supplied by the Microsoft with the operating system and there is no need for us to install anything to use it. It can actually capture live data about the performance of our system. A newly installed software or monitor the changes that take place in the registry during a particular time period. A lot of detailed information is present at TechNet . But there were no videos for the starters so here is one giving Detailed description about how to get started. part1 -...

MSP selections are ON - India

For those who don't know what MSP stands for MSP stands for Microsoft Student Partner. This student partner program is run by Microsoft to choose among many a few who are enthusiastic about technology and Microsoft. students from all over the globe are selected for this program. students who are selected are equipped with the task of informing others about the Microsoft technologies and products like the VS 2010:) and Silverlight etc etc. for this they may conduct sessions or hands on labs. in return MSPs get a lot. the best thing being the MSDN premium account :) The good news is that now you can apply to be an MSP. All you need to do is go to the student-partners web site and click on the apply now box. Though the selection process changes every time. The process will test your technological and public speaking skills and a technology related blog is always preferred. last time they asked us to upload a 3 min video about any MS technology. and then after that they asked us to...

bootable USB drive

What makes a USB drive bootable? When I was searching for the process of making my pendrive bootable. I came across many processes and software’s that could do it but none of the sources told me what is the science behind this. Why my pen drive is bootable after the process and was not before. So I decided to write an article of my own for this. This is also my first post. So please do comment what you dislike and also like about the post and also if you need any help. The process of making a pendrive bootable and to use it with window 7 and other window operating systems the process that was described by the sources was 1. Open command prompt(cmd) with administrator privileges 2. Type DISKPART 3. Type LIST DISK 4. Then assuming your USB disk is DISK1. Type SELECT DISK 1 5. Type CLEAN 6. Type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY 7. Type SELECT PARTITION 1 8. Type ACTIVE 9. Type FORMAT FS = NTFS 10. Type ASSIGN 11. Type EXIT 12. Insert window installation disk 13. In the command...